
Thai & Lao Food

A Thai / Laos girl, Manivan Larprom shows you how to cook Thai & Lao food through her videos. Her authentic cuisine roots from Sakon Nakhon, Thailand and Paksan, Laos. Enjoy!

Monday, October 09, 2006

Squash with Thai Lao Custard

Happy Thanksgiving Canada! Every year I would bake pumpkin pie from scratch. This year, because of my blog, I decided to bake squash with the coconut custard filling. This traditional Thai and Lao dessert is perfect to serve after a heavy turkey dinner and requires less time than pumkin pie.

Dessert Recipe: Squash with Thai Lao Custard
1 buttercup squash
1 pepper squash
1 coconut custard recipe

Cut the squash in half and remove seeds and soft pulp. Add coconut custard mixture inside squash. Fill custard to the top.
To bake: set oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Place squash filled custard into baking dish. Bake for 1 hour.
To steam: place squash filled custard inside steaming bamboo basket. Cover squash with lid. Add 2 inches of water into steaming pot. Place pot over high heat and steaming basket inside pot. Steam for 45 minutes.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have seen this done on tv with using a pumkin. Is this the same recipe?

5:15 PM  
Blogger Manivan Larprom said...

I have not tasted pumpkin with custard and probably because pumpkins are too large for the steaming bamboo basket. I guess it would be the same. Give it a try and let me know.

6:21 PM  

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